A concept to support specific non-profit organizations – preferably in rural areas – based on an attractive mechanism between donations and chances to win.
Charity concept for nonprofit organizations
TuGut is a concept that makes donations more attractive and easier for both non-profit organizations and those interested in supporting them. It consists of a website and a mobile application and is intended to strengthen the bond between donors and organizations to also increase the frequency of donations for them.
Application · for Supporters
Those interested in donations have the opportunity to financially support clubs through a digital application. The incentive is the chance of winning the tugut jackpot. The user chooses his donation amount and recipient himself, while the chance of winning is proportional to the donation amount

Website · for Organisations
The effort for clubs is as low as possible: With the simple registration process on the tugut website, a club profile is created in a few steps, which is not dependent on the design skills of the club. tugut actively supports the design and preparation of the information.

Campagne · automated & personalised
The concise, cross-media campaign promotes the concept and its digital platform. It is possible for associations to use a personalized variant of the TuGut Campaign to inform members, interested parties, business partners and the public about their participation in the charity concept.